Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

Click here for entry form.....

Advent begins next weekend which means Christmas is right around the corner. The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS at Our Lady invite all children and families to enter a contest that focuses on the true reason for the season! We are, once again, sponsoring a "KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS" poster contest. All children (kindergarten, elementary, or middle school) and families are invited to tap into their creative juic- es and come up with an original art piece on an 11”x17” poster with that theme. Any medium can be used and the poster will be judged on impact of the artwork, slogan created and visual quality. here are cash prizes for first and second place in the following categories: ages 5-7, 8-10 and 11-14. This year, we are also seeking posters created by the family as well! Put your collective heads together. The deadline for entries is December 22 and winners will be announced at the Knights' Pancake breakfast on Sunday, January 7. Submission guidelines, and required entry form are in the Narthex and in the office. For more information about our council, contact Grand Knight Dan Rondini through text or call at (330) 562-2541 or e-mail him at dan.rondini@gmail.com.