Bishop's Appeal

2017 ANNUAL BISHOP’S APPEAL - Our  parish  has  joined  with  parishes throughout  the  Diocese  of  Youngstown  in making a commitment to the 2017 Bishop’s Appeal for Catholic Charities and Church.  This year’s goal is $4 million.       
    The Appeal  is the  primary funding source for Catholic Charities in our six-county diocese.  There continues to be an  ever-increasing  number  of  needy  persons  asking  for help and they depend on our support of the Bishop’s Appeal.  The Appeal also helps to subsidize traditional Church ministries.  Bishop Murry is counting on our support with the hope that every parish reaches their goal.   
      This year, the goal for Our Lady is $76,418.02
We ask that you prayerfully make a gift to the Annual Appeal, using the envelope in your pew or the kiosk, or the response card mailed to your home (no need to complete both).  This year every donor from the 2016 appeal received a letter, soliciting your contribution. You may drop this off to the office or in the Sunday collection basket.  Thank you in advance for your  reflection  and  generous  sacrificial  response  to  the Bishop’s Appeal.