Biblical Walk with Mary

Please join us Tuesday evenings from 6:45 to 8:00pm beginning March 29th for "A Biblical Walk with Mary," facilitated by Marianne Ivany in the Parish Hall. Filmed on location, this study will place you in the midst of the powerful drama of Mary's earthy life. Seeing Mary this way, will change you forever.

There is a $25 book fee (payable first day of class) for the full-color study set which includes engaging questions, with lesson summaries, home reading assignments, talk outlines, and lesson reviews.  The participant's book (you will receive in class) covers everything that is covered in the class. The book alone is worth using on it's own. However, the videos are really AWESOME. You get to SEE everywhere Mary lived. It makes the Bible come ALIVE. The group experience is very beneficial as well. People who took the class the first time highly recommend it and some have said they'd take it again.

Please call the parish office to register. 330-562-8519